The ART of…

Mar 31, 2020

The Art of…RAD When life challenges us, we can find ourselves inadvertently reaching back in time to what we remember as an easier place. Memories from our past appear, lurking, presumably to help us sort a present circumstance. I think of this process as a random form of therapeutic reflection. The most difficult version can […]

Chapter #? (writing note – musings of the day…stories…thoughts…reality meets fiction…) She reached to simultaneously grab her phone and the “Frenchie” cup abruptly thrust at her sleepy face. Sitting up awkwardly, Catrina gulped the hot coffee in waves, slurping up the foam, and licking it off her sunburned lip. She snorted loudly and chuckled with […]

Open to Grace   Making choices to thrive and grow in times of hardship Like all humans, I find it easier to feel like myself when I am in a familiar place, interacting with people I am comfortable with, doing things I love. In times like these, when our normal lives aren’t functioning normally and […]

The World as We Know it… In line with all the things I love to write about on this blog, there is still HOPE. Even today in the middle of a global crisis. And this HOPE calls me to write and create and share about is what is going on in the world at this […]