I’ve Got You

Feb 27, 2025

You know who you are. As we leave the month of love, I hope you know that once my friend, always my friend. Through blood, sweat and tears, rainy days and Mondays as they say, we are forever floating together on a sea of memories. Thank you. I am grateful. 

I’ve got you

– a love poem for friends

I want to tell you about how I love you. 

Like the little girl who whispers her longings to her cat and she mews back – 

“I love you too.”

I want to tell you about how I need you. 

Like the wind softening the rays of the sun on my neck as it blows through my hair making me feel young. 

I want to tell you about how I miss you. 

Like a memory traveling away in the distance of fog and clouds only to reappear as a story to share and hold. 

I want to tell you about how I touch you. 

Like a hand reaching for a flower in the garden as the bees buzz and the breezes tickle my nose in delight. 

I want to tell you how I appreciate you. 

Like my aching heart longing for the gentle touch of a friend when I need courage or support and suddenly you are there. 

I want to tell you how I know you. 

Like the way you eat vanilla ice cream on your cherry pie at the summer picnic and feel such joy in the act. 

I want to tell you it’s okay to be afraid sometimes. Like the tumbling in our gut when we think of the pain the world is in, but I know it will be okay because 

-I’ve got you. 

My love and appreciation always,




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