XX XY Recalculating

Sometimes a body of work is not planned but grows out of nowhere. A tiny seed. Much like an embryo. Here is one of those bodies…

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“What happens when the biology of Life, and the context in which we live collide?” Create!

“How do we deconstruct the biology of our sexuality and transform?” Live life. Celebrate life.

“Is that which transpires in between worth the fight?” Yes. Yes it is! Undoubtedly. Miraculously. YES!

“How do we grow?” Through change. Sometimes we fight. Sometimes we win. But mostly we win!

There are options – many options. More than most of us realized. Pronouns to help us with our identities and to understand our uniqueness. Lives lived as intended all along, but proudly by choice instead of secretly as a burden to our very souls. We live in support of one another, unabashedly proud of the possibilities. We share. We love. We pay it forward. We live our lives by honoring others and in that living comes peace.

Powerful thoughts for a cloudy, but inspiring spring day…

To each of us,
